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Season 16 (17)

ca Ron >> sestdiena maijs 16 - 20:40
Well I survived being relegated with two 1-0 victories. The only positive note this season was with the money we made we will finish our level 9 training center and we finished our level 8 youth center this past season. Spent some money on a couple of youth transfers who will help...Let's hope to a better season this year...
ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
ca Jax >> svētdiena maijs 17 - 23:11
Well done on surviving the playoff, Ron! Popo rebuilt his team and has a very competitive squad so that's no small achievement. I certainly would have had no guarantee of beating him.

I've rebuilt my midfield, added a solid defender and will have a new GK duo heading into the season. It's too early to put up expectations but I definitely have a more well rounded squad and one of the top 3 or 4 Defenses in the league.

I look forward to progressing further in the North American League and hopefully not drawing a top opponent, early in the tournament.
ca Jax