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16yr old Supertalent (2)

ca Ron >> piektdiena aprīlis 28 - 07:41
So my other squad hit the jackpot and at level 8 youth center got a 16yr defender with 6.15 talent...My question for your opinions...Is it best to train him for my squad or sell him and build that way...He is worth right now 2.5 million but odds are he will go for way way more then that...It could be a quick way to buy and build...What do you all say...
ca Ron
bo Tupiza FC
eng Lee >> sestdiena aprīlis 29 - 02:22
Hi Ron - Your level 9 training centre means he will develop quickly but it will still be a few seasons before he is good enough for your first team; how patient are you?

If I were in your shoes, I would sell him for top dollar and invest it in the first team.
eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels