Līga - Kostarika 39.sezona [3.2]

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

Season 27 (21)

us Dences >> ceturtdiena oktobris 20 - 21:39
Looks like Costa Rica was a landing spot for a ton of top managers which should make all levels quite competitive this season.

Personally, I was thinking about taking a long term approach and building only with players from my own youth center... I then saw all the managers that joined & are already loaning players so I'm not sure how feasible that will be anymore.
us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Mike >> piektdiena oktobris 21 - 16:54
I like long term approach too, but am also looking to have some loaned players on the roster. This will be a lot of fun!
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Dences >> piektdiena oktobris 21 - 22:20
I'm really curious to see all the different strategies around facility management. Just within 3.2 I can see some clubs are building all the entry level buildings while some are focusing on one or two buildings & getting them to higher levels.
us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Mike >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 12:48, Labots sestdiena oktobris 22 - 12:49
Dences - we have an interesting situation where I now have one of your 15yo USA league 1 players on loan so you will be competing against him here in Costa Rica.

I'm curious to see how a very young player with great fixed skills like him does in this league versus some of the other high valued loan players who we know will dominate (looking at your loans cdowne).
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us cdowne >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 20:18
If you guys are taking the long view, I'm going to try to win now
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Mike >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 01:37
I have a popularity variance question for the group. When all of us have stadium 1 and no games have been played, why is there a spread in popularity? A few of us are at 8276, some are at 8409 and a few more are at 8582. I think within this group mentioned we all finished stadium 1 in the first day league opened, too. What is the variable I am missing that is the driver of the difference? Thanks.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us cdowne >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 02:12
Number of tickets sold...I think.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
us Dences >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 13:16
I think cdowne is correct. The variance is going to be on number of tickets sold.
us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Dences >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 13:19
Well Mike, I'm hoping that my guy destroys every other team in this league but gets a one day flu for each of your games against me!
us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Mike >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 14:20, Labots svētdiena oktobris 23 - 14:23
Thanks for clarification. Why would there be a variance in tickets sold when we all just advertise the match though? Is that just random or something you can influence? That is, does it hurt or help to buy a ticket to your match?
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Dences >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 15:32
If everyone advertised then I believe we would all have the same popularity. I'm guessing not everyone advertised though.
us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Mike >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 16:39
I advertised which is why I'm wondering how someone has more popularity.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us Mike >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 16:40
In another twist I also have cdownes goalie from USA league 1. Needless to say both of them will get lots of matches here health permitting.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
us cdowne >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 17:25
Treat him well.

Popular players will also impact popularity
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC
ee Taavi >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 19:08
So far...20+ credits...1 loan meh , even found alot of 50-50s , out of credits now :D
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa