Līga - Kostarika 43.sezona [3.2]

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Season 27 (21)

us Mike >> pirmdiena oktobris 24 - 04:00
He will be treated great cdowne! Popular players are just for when matches are played. I was wondering why there was a difference before even our first game was played. Seems strange is all.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
eng Cloughie >> otrdiena oktobris 25 - 12:23
I've just had a look at my next opponent (San Vicente Jaguars) if anyone beats them to the title I'll eat my hat!!
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
us Dences >> otrdiena oktobris 25 - 22:08
Yeah, Vincent's team is pretty stacked compared to the other teams in this league. He worked the trade & transfer market really well for this season.

I'd have to say he is the early favorite to win the league but I've seen stranger things happen.
us Dences
Zaļš gurķis
us Mike >> piektdiena oktobris 28 - 15:36
It's interesting that this is not only a competition on the pitch, but also curious to see where everyone is investing as well. Disappointed my first game was against the bot and I didn't get the 400 people needed for an early stadium upgrade. Happy with my team so far otherwise.
us Mike
us Colonials FC
ee Taavi >> trešdiena novembris 16 - 02:59, Labots trešdiena novembris 16 - 02:59
My only forwards 22 day injury really ruined my season, even after treatment probably lost 10 points :(

Not to mention keeper injury for 6d
ee Taavi
Kopienas administrators
ee FC Pusa
us cdowne >> piektdiena novembris 25 - 14:17
Mike not only beat me, but he injured my two best defenders. It's a tight competition for the promotion playoffs.
us cdowne
us Sidney Town FC