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Season 27 ENG (36)

pl MAT >> piektdiena oktobris 21 - 12:41, Labots piektdiena oktobris 21 - 12:47
After match in qEL I feel deficiency. Despite advantage only draw. I will have heavy rematch in area rival.
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 07:56
I would like thank everyone who voted for me, vote at position coach. Current coach wish you luck :)
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Kaiser Franz >> sestdiena oktobris 22 - 12:39
Good luck in Europe!

Go Warriors :-)
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
dk Kaiser Franz >> svētdiena oktobris 23 - 15:51
New season, same bs...

Hard draw in EL 1.rnd., Ønslev without a chance (no disrespect ;-) and Warrior with a very Hard away...

Roskilde BK turned into a boot-team and lost 50% of popularity (and will lose big time in EL).

... And it is still imposible to buy Any good players
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
dk Kaiser Franz >> otrdiena oktobris 25 - 13:17
Big game in the league tonight!

So early in the season and we already have a top match.
Mystic Warrior vs Ønslev, both teams fighting for Europe this season (Hans Team and Hobro will also be contenders for euro).
Who will get the early advantage?

NB. The bookmakers predict a 1-1 ;-)
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
pl MAT >> trešdiena oktobris 26 - 07:28, Labots trešdiena oktobris 26 - 07:36
A good result on away in qCL - goals draw. Underestimated experience although in last season Rene spoiled blood my team with good matches against me :P I afraid revenge on his stadium away are more difficult.

Welcome, Second a Polish gamer in Danish league and I wish luck. [Witam drugiego polaka w lidze duńskiej i życzę powodzenia] :)

Tomorrow two matches teams from top with last season hard will be in typing :P
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Rene >> trešdiena oktobris 26 - 11:38
Det var fandme godt vi beholdte vores landstræner. ! 0 point indtil videre.
dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
dk Rene >> trešdiena oktobris 26 - 11:41
I had no chance in EL, but that was as expected. My team is still young I have still learning how to play the game. I was very surprices to get the change to play international matches.

Lets see what the season holds. I hope to get the change again next season :-)
dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
pl MAT >> trešdiena oktobris 26 - 11:56, Labots trešdiena oktobris 26 - 12:38
My team also is not much weaker than in previous season. We'll see what this season will bring. For important me is to play in European cups :)

Nation team Dunish landed on the bottom :/ Cheer her, but unfortunately does not meet expectations.
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Kaiser Franz >> trešdiena oktobris 26 - 16:37
I was so lucky to get 1-1 away in CL qualify 1.st game...

My DCB got injured just hours to kick off, had to change my lineup and Tactics, it did not work at all, but was very lucky to draw...

I hope the home advantage will help me in return game.


Looking forward to our top clash ;-)
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
pl MAT >> piektdiena oktobris 28 - 07:09, Labots piektdiena oktobris 28 - 07:37
Very bad draw in qCL for FC ReTards.

Next one goal failure to have a chance to draw I need two more on red star players (maybe three) :P
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> sestdiena oktobris 29 - 07:45, Labots sestdiena oktobris 29 - 07:47
I am very impressed result in qCL. With such an opponent :) Great match. Maintain advantage. I see light hopes for group stage :D
pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Rene >> svētdiena oktobris 30 - 08:39
Crazy red card today. And i have to be happy with 1 point.. had hoped for 3..
dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
dk Kaiser Franz >> pirmdiena oktobris 31 - 12:10
What a roller coaster ride...

4-0 up from the 1 st. game, I was very confident of the away game!

The match simulations pointed towards a defensive lineup (5-3-2 + settel for draw), it estimated 80% chance to draw and I was suppose to score in 9/10 games.

51 min. of the match and I'm down 4-0...

In a moment I'm considering to quit RS...

Lucky (for me) the game finished 5-2 and RS suddenly became the best thing on the internet ;-)

Ready for CL play off!
dk Kaiser Franz
dk FC ReTards
dk Rene >> otrdiena novembris 1 - 12:35
I am on the same point as you. I am very disapointed in the loss in the cup to day. I won all games in the simulation (one after extra-time)..
but today in the game. I loss after a own goal in the 88 min. ;-(((
dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC