Līga - Dānija 70.sezona

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

The season (8)

dk Rene >> otrdiena augusts 25 - 11:40

Hi all.  

How are you all doing?

I making this new tread, so that we can write about the season, no matter which one we are playing.

I have had a perfect start of this season 54. I won (lucky) the super cup in both Denmark and Azerbaijan.

My expectations for the season is it will be close in Denmark however I do see Retards at the clear favorit to win yet another titel. The new forward in Retards line-up is a monster.! :-)

best of luck to you all.

dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
dk Rene >> trešdiena augusts 26 - 14:31

F_ck a mistake. I sild one of my best players to the bank... 

No No No No.. what happen.. sh_t

dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
pl MAT >> otrdiena novembris 24 - 18:59

Do close only 3 lose all with ReTards. Propably 2nd position.

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Rene >> pirmdiena janvāris 4 - 08:49

WTF. 2-7  That is unreal!! I hate that I don´t understand the game engine!

dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
pl MAT >> otrdiena janvāris 5 - 11:53

I join to you Rene engine this season fu***d me.

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
dk Rene >> sestdiena janvāris 16 - 09:56

I am mad! Again it makes No sense!! Wtf

dk Rene
Kopienas administrators
dk Ønslev FC
pl MAT >> piektdiena jūlijs 9 - 10:41

First lose with chiken. Shame Mystic

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen
pl MAT >> trešdiena jūlijs 14 - 19:03

qEL worst draw for my team :(

pl MAT
dk Mystic Warrior Copenhagen