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Transfers (13)

eng Matt Turner >> svētdiena jūlijs 12 - 13:52
Dont seem to have any joy transfering out players at any price!! Anyone else having this problem ?
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Bolly >> svētdiena jūlijs 12 - 19:00
yeah me.

couldnt even offload an 8.7 midfielder ( ok he is 28)
eng Bolly
eng Matt Turner >> svētdiena jūlijs 12 - 21:10
How much did u want for him tho? Id have had him if he was cheap enough
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Bolly >> pirmdiena jūlijs 13 - 09:18
he is worth 7.2 I think i put him up at 6 mil

I think I will just use him this season and see what happens, he got a 9 rating in the first match. I do have another though, who is cheaper.


his is 7.8 skill.

I would let him go for 3 million.
eng Bolly
eng Matt Turner >> otrdiena jūlijs 14 - 19:02
No stamina!! I had a few like that. Great 1st half and died big time 2
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Matt Turner >> trešdiena augusts 26 - 22:54
I see the transfer window is a bit quiet again!! The value on some players is a joke! Ive a 22 year old defender supposedly worth 10m and my striker whos just banged in 25 goals worth 1.5m!! No wonder i cant sell anyone!
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Bolly >> svētdiena augusts 30 - 13:47
i just bought a defender for 6mil ( 22 year old) spent all my finances, and he is alegedly worth 22 million. what a profit that would be lol.
eng Bolly
eng Matt Turner >> svētdiena augusts 30 - 23:12
I bought someone last season worth 10m for 3m. Decided i dont need him. Cant give him away now!!
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Matt Turner >> piektdiena oktobris 16 - 10:58
And silly season starts again!! 5m for a 3 star 17yo!! Emailed the player and hes deadly serious!! I'll wait a day or 2 for panic buying to finish before doing my business. If anyone has a high class defender they want to sell give me a shout
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Matt Turner >> pirmdiena novembris 16 - 13:25
Note the lack of movement on the transfer market yet again! Cant give players away!
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng antboy18 >> pirmdiena novembris 16 - 22:43
I end up selling most of mine to the bank...
eng antboy18
eng Matt Turner >> otrdiena novembris 17 - 22:41
600k to sell back to bank is a bit of a joke tho. I had a good bid on one player but he didn't want to go!!
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng antboy18 >> piektdiena novembris 20 - 14:54
Yeah... 600k is ridiculous, but it's better than having a player sitting around doing nothing. Most the time it's my youth players that just aren't going to cut it...
eng antboy18