Līga - Anglija 2.sezona [4.2]

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league (47)

eng holt >> trešdiena decembris 25 - 12:02
I think I will go on to win this league level 4.2
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> trešdiena janvāris 1 - 14:19
some teams are giving a tough competition for the title here
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> pirmdiena janvāris 13 - 12:29
You wish.

I'm going to give you a run for your money.
my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> otrdiena janvāris 14 - 01:59
let's see.Only time will tell us who is going to win.
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> piektdiena janvāris 17 - 11:34
all the best
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> piektdiena janvāris 17 - 14:16
All the best, indeed.
my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> sestdiena janvāris 25 - 06:55
struggling to get promoted,eh Keswick? I quite don't want to but i'm trying
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> svētdiena janvāris 26 - 02:00
Not really. I always knew that we'd be back in.
my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> otrdiena janvāris 28 - 08:47
It's getting dramatic, people!

No space for holt, though.
my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> otrdiena janvāris 28 - 15:09
ha ha big joke
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
my Kesvick >> otrdiena janvāris 28 - 23:08
Is it? You got absolutely outclassed.

That being said, I think that it is unfair that someone can just come in and take control of the league leaders.
my Kesvick
Zaļš gurķis
eng holt >> trešdiena janvāris 29 - 13:13
lets see i'll blast you next time in a friendly
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
in Keju >> otrdiena februāris 18 - 14:01
Holt I'm ahead of u
in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
eng holt >> sestdiena februāris 22 - 11:16
Alacudia my goalkeeper 8 clean sheets in 11 matches beat that! and Keju27 already an own goal by your defender next a hatrick of own goals ha ha ha
eng holt
Zaļš gurķis
in Keju >> pirmdiena februāris 24 - 15:50, Labots ceturtdiena februāris 27 - 07:34
So funny ! I'm fourth and you are 10 ! I beat you 4-0 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. And my defender is not playing anymore lolololololololololololololollololololololololollololololololoololololololololo
in Keju
in Bengaluru FC