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Friendly Cup - KCC - season 80 (3)

eng Stephen >> sestdiena aprīlis 13 - 06:43

To celebrate the 80th season of the English league, the KCC organisers have announced a new edition of the KCC. Sign up here:


eng Stephen
Galvenais administrators
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> otrdiena aprīlis 16 - 19:32

Five teams involved so far. The deadline to sign up is still a while away. Come in, the water's lovely!

eng Stephen
Galvenais administrators
eng Seaburn Beach
eng Stephen >> svētdiena jūnijs 9 - 06:55

A somewhat fortunate win for Seaburn in the final, but I'll take it. Anything to have the KCC back in the trophy room!

next edition is already set up:


eng Stephen
Galvenais administrators
eng Seaburn Beach