Līga - Anglija 37.sezona [4.3]

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New beginnings (4)

eng Lord Harrington >> piektdiena augusts 15 - 14:00
Think this is going to be close one this season...But im sure the great Hull City Wanderers will triumph in the end..
eng Lord Harrington
Zaļš gurķis
eng Matt Turner >> pirmdiena augusts 18 - 22:38
theres no real logic to the results at the mo. im playing teams that i should be beating them 2 or 3 -0 but am losing! ive had this for the last 3 seasons when it comes to the final 10 games of the season so i cant say im surprised! last season i was about 9 points ahead with 5 games left and ended up 3rd!!
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
eng Lord Harrington >> ceturtdiena augusts 21 - 19:35
Yer me too, I know im top at the moment but Ive noticed that I've lost a couple of games to teams that I should of beaten easily and won when i should of may be lost....

you have some good players in your team, we have had a tie when we have played this season. I think were enough point's a head between us both to finnish in the top two, best of look buddy for the rest of the season.....


Ash :-)
eng Lord Harrington
Zaļš gurķis
eng Matt Turner >> piektdiena augusts 22 - 08:50
Im expecting playoffs this season and hopefully go up that way
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light