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Match Day 7 (3)

eng Bolly >> piektdiena septembris 11 - 12:04
After a run of 3 consecutive defeats, each of which left the victors in the top 3, Stoke Town played host to Crystal Palace.

Stoke Towns midfield ran the show in the first half, who had an impressive 100% pass rate and helped to create 17 shots on goal in the first half ( to compare to Pallaces 5).

The attack on the other hand, only managed to convert 7 of those chances into on target shots, only one of which was able to beat tge Palace #1

Half time Stoke Town 1 - Crystal Palace 0

The second half continued much the same, with Stoke being the attacking side, creating 13 shots on goal, to palaces 4 with Dessalegne putting the ribbon on the result in the dying moments.

A bitter sweet victory, on one hand its 3 points and the midfield showed their class, on the other the Stoke Attack again showed themselves to be lacking, 2 goals in 30 shots on goal is simply not good enough.

final score
Stoke Town 2 - Crystal Palace 0
eng Bolly
eng Cloughie >> piektdiena septembris 11 - 12:28
In the weekends early kick off The hoodies traveled to the stadium of Dark where they faced Apocalypse City. The first half saw the Hoodies dominate possession and go 2-0 up before Satiro scored to give the home fans some hope going into the half.

The first 15 minutes of the second half was scrappy with Apocalypse picking up 2 yellow card. It wasn't until the 61st minute when the first real bit of action happened in the 2nd half, a corner for Apocalypse met by Feijo who hit the outside ogf the post ... so unlucky nearly the equaliser. As it always goes in football The Hoodies went straight up the other end and out of favour Bradshaw who is already a club legend fired in his 2nd of the game.

Some had written Bradshaw off this season stating he was too old and lacking pace, but when he gets a start he still performs. Cloughie has a selection headache with 4 top class strikers and excellent youth also knocking on the door WHY CANT YOU PLAY 8 UP FRONT!
eng Cloughie
eng Robbing Hoodies
eng Dragontao >> piektdiena septembris 11 - 19:43
Dragontao heaved a massive sigh of relief when told all of his players had passed their drugs tests.
eng Dragontao
eng Colchester City #2