Līga - Anglija 53.sezona [4.1]

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Top Flight. (2)

lv Runcis >> piektdiena maijs 6 - 08:59
Hi, again I am trying to find out who is active in this league. I think with my current situation I had overachieved what I was planning for this season. With my main striker injured i just struggle to put ball into a net. Chelsea is really chasing me down, sort of reminds me Spurs trying to get to Foxes, i do hope result will be the same as in real life.
lv Runcis
lu Fightin_Irish >> piektdiena jūnijs 17 - 20:28
Sorry that I just seen this.. I am active. My team is Dean Cogan FC. I am concentrating on trying to improve my Youth and training center. Depending on loan players.
lu Fightin_Irish
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