Līga - Anglija 57.sezona

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Where are they now? (4)

eng Kezza >> otrdiena novembris 11 - 22:01
From the original 20 teams to finish League 1 Season 1 only 8 of the clubs are currently sitting in League 1.

3 of the teams are in League level 3, 2 in League level 4, 4 in League level 5 and 3 in League level 6.

Only 4 of the teams who finished League 1, season 1 are still managed by the same person! (and 1 of the teams is currently in League 3!)
eng Kezza
Zaļš gurķis
eng Kezza >> otrdiena novembris 11 - 22:57
That is true :-)
eng Kezza
Zaļš gurķis
za Mister Buckley >> pirmdiena decembris 8 - 09:05
That is true and weirdly I'm probably the highest ranked team who started at the bottom working his way up... Looking at it now its quite a achievement. Starting in league 6 moving up slowly but surely
za Mister Buckley
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