Līga - Anglija 61.sezona [3.1]

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

ridiculous (4)

eng Safri187 >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 30 - 20:10
Another two own goals in the last match.
does anyone have any idea what I am doing wrong? ?????
eng Safri187
Zaļš gurķis
eng Bolly >> piektdiena jūlijs 31 - 13:36
putting the ball in your own net

sorry somebody had to say it.

there were some teams gettign a lot of OGs last season as well, seem to be another of the many bug, erm i mean features of the game engine.

you get flagged at the beginning of the season, to score OGs , or to be a draw merchant ( i got that 2 seasons ago) and there doesent seem to be anything you can do about it
eng Bolly
eng Matt Turner >> piektdiena jūlijs 31 - 22:26
I had the draw problem last season aswell. I think ive got 2 new players in starting line-up this season and it seems to have improved but god knows why!!
eng Matt Turner
eng heavens light
il SIR LEO >> piektdiena augusts 14 - 15:52
Am backing stoke town to lift this trophy . Because he has a better team