Līga - Anglija 62.sezona [4.1]

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Season 30 - Who is alive over here? (7)

ro Andrei >> svētdiena marts 26 - 04:25
So ... anyone alive? :)

Should be a very interesting season, with so many active managers in this league. :)
ro Andrei
Zaļš gurķis
eng Monk >> pirmdiena marts 27 - 06:18
It's going to be flipping tough, that's what it is. Good luck to all, especially you Andrei.
eng Monk
eng Scammonden Daoists
ro Andrei >> otrdiena marts 28 - 16:30
Same to you, mate.

I limited the damage today, but I am not too happy with that red card. Damned ref.
ro Andrei
Zaļš gurķis
ie Owen The Fish >> otrdiena aprīlis 11 - 09:49
I am going down for definite but that's OK as this season is about building my facilities. I will sell of my deadwood and bring in some young players. Season 31 will be about improving those players with the aim of returning to Level 4 in season 32.

But for now we are the whipping boys :-)
ie Owen The Fish
ro Andrei >> svētdiena aprīlis 16 - 04:06, Labots svētdiena aprīlis 16 - 04:07
Well, I have a significant gap over the relegation playoff zone, but I shouldn't be complacent about it.

I need to keep pushing to keep the distance or increase it.
ro Andrei
Zaļš gurķis
eng Jonesy >> otrdiena aprīlis 25 - 15:33
First time playing this game.
Hoping to avoid the playoff relegation spot.

Would prefer 2 league games per day to speed things up.
eng Jonesy
ro Andrei >> otrdiena aprīlis 25 - 18:47, Labots otrdiena aprīlis 25 - 18:49
Don't see many people having time to deal with 2 league games per day.

Even more, your players would be wasted with fatigue.
ro Andrei
Zaļš gurķis