Līga - Anglija 67.sezona [3.1]

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Season 24 (7)

lv Runcis >> pirmdiena maijs 30 - 21:16
How everybody is doing?
Thought would be lucky to get few wins, I think I had already overachieved this season. With my tiny stadium could be used for Darts competition. Hope to stay in this league.

Any predictions for Euro? England looking good with a young squad. Really hope Sturridge will not make final squad. Once met hes family, such a retards!!!

Best of luck everyone.
lv Runcis
my nivsek >> trešdiena jūnijs 1 - 20:12
Hard to say. I say Belgium or Switzerland just because I like supporting underdogs/possible dark horses.

Good luck to you too!
my nivsek
eng We Lost
lv Runcis >> ceturtdiena jūnijs 2 - 08:05
I will follow England, however my money is on Belgium. Just cause I am Chelsea supporter and Hazard looks incredibly good in last games of a season. Reus been cut by German squad, fitness all that, but still does not make much sense, when England taking Wilshere.
lv Runcis
my nivsek >> ceturtdiena jūnijs 2 - 11:19
True that. Plus the fact that they cut Drinkwater out of the squad just makes things more illogical. I don't know about Belgium, they have a really good squad in my opinion but they always seem to under-perform just like last World Cup.
my nivsek
eng We Lost
lv Runcis >> otrdiena jūnijs 7 - 15:48
Vardy is having a Party. Soon to be an Arsenal player.

By the way, have a question. If my youth player plays in Both League and U21 League match, will he gain double experience?

Thanks in advance
lv Runcis
my nivsek >> trešdiena jūnijs 8 - 15:05
Nah dude. He only gets XP from the first 20 games he plays in both League and U21 matches.
my nivsek
eng We Lost
lv Runcis >> svētdiena jūnijs 12 - 02:48
Thanks for a reply. I had jinx my luck. Got my losing streak going :)
lv Runcis