Līga - Anglija 68.sezona [3.1]

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Season 34 (5)

eng Lee >> svētdiena oktobris 22 - 12:09

Is everyone ready? I bombed out in the promotion playoffs last season, so would like to get another chance this time around.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
eng Lee >> ceturtdiena novembris 30 - 13:15

An historical day in the history of Canvey Pixels but I'm under no illusion just how difficult the 2nd division will be - fully expect to be in a relegation fight all next season.

Good luck to Hatfield Town and Bradford in the playoffs.

eng Lee
eng Canvey Pixels
pl czorny >> ceturtdiena novembris 30 - 21:28

Thanks Lee and congratulations for you. I think u will stay up. I didn't expect to be so high up in the table this season. If I will get through the play offs I will be very surprised. 

pl czorny
eng Kezza >> sestdiena decembris 2 - 11:54

Congrats Lee & good luck czorny for the last few games/play offs

eng Kezza
Zaļš gurķis
pl czorny >> svētdiena decembris 3 - 16:43

Thanks Kezza!

pl czorny