Natsumi >>
piektdiena februāris 6 - 12:56
should put him on the NT my elliot, and others like him, we need to reinforce the future generations, no point having best possible team today and forgetting about tomorrow, if i won which i was close to think only 6 votes in it cloughie.
i'd of enforced new rules no outfielder above the age of 26 in the team and no goalie above the age of 29, and at least for friendlies give under 20s runs, like my elliot and other youths with 5 star or move talent. the extra 600 exp for international friendlies and 800 for competitive internationals would really give those youngsters a boast, as the game gets older every team's facilities get better and the new generation of 20s and unders will end up being all 10 star players if they are given a boast now. Favor them for older players will mean england will always be weaker then some of the other international teams.