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Season 34 (3)

eng Yid >> otrdiena oktobris 24 - 14:22

Hi all. May I start by saying how disappointed I am that we have a lost a European Qualifying Place specially with the fact that season promises to be the most competitive since I have been in this league. Welcome to FC Manchester and good luck to you in your first top flight season and good luck to everyone else to but I really hope that someone can finally knock Redborgo off the top or at least out the cup lol. 

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC
lv Rye >> svētdiena novembris 19 - 22:38

Hi all, as well. Sorry, Yid, for a late answer.

Yes, we lost a spot, but that was obvious and correct.

RedBorgo is not a tough nut, but for us, young members, it will take some time. In Latvia, RedBorgo would play in a 4th or 5th league.

I guess, arno (Red Borgo), has got a bit lazy here. He has been off for 3 days and 10 hours. Basicly I see him as a little opponent. 

lv Rye
Zaļš gurķis
eng Yid >> trešdiena novembris 22 - 19:46

Hey Rye no worries mate. I understand what you are saying and i did understand the decicion  but it was still frustraiting at the time.

I am trying to get up to fully challenge Redborgo but seem to have hit a bit of a brick wall at the moment with finances very slow but hopefully i will be able to get stadium upgrade soon which will help but at the moment i am having to wait for some of my youngsters to mature so i can come again.

This season has been a bit of a disapointment though having started so well with a Super Cup victory but never mind as i say hopefully i will start improving again next season.

Congrats on your win against Redborgo by the way and lets hope that a few of us can start nicking some points off of him soon lol.

eng Yid
eng Tottenham Hotspur FC