Līga - Gvatemala 5.sezona

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Apspried savas līgas aktualitātes. Kurš ir šīs sezonas galvenais favorīts uz uzvaru kopvērtējumā? Kuras komandas pacelsies uz augstāku līgu vai nokritīs zemāk? Kā katram sokas kausa izcīņā?

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This Season who will be the champion? (4)

cn jjadriano >> pirmdiena decembris 23 - 05:44
New Season is coming. After three turns, which team will be the champion?
Can we disscuss with it?
cn jjadriano
es Kuroda >> piektdiena janvāris 3 - 14:46
Happy new year!!!
I think in Guatemala there are two teams better than the rest. They are Almolonga y Jocotenango. Last seasons Jocotenango didn´t have rival in this league but now Almolongo is in a good time. Can he continue the ritmh?
I think at least this season the ligue will be interesting...
es Kuroda
cn jjadriano >> ceturtdiena janvāris 9 - 08:45
I agree with Turma's point.
If we want our league will be interesting, we need more competition. I hope more people will join Guatemala.
I hope all team which in intercontinental tournament will have good result.
Turma, I will try my best for No.3 with you.
cn jjadriano
cn jjadriano >> trešdiena janvāris 29 - 02:51
This season is over. It's an interesting season. It has full of reversion and reversion.
I hope there was more competition in next season.
cn jjadriano