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Slēgts Átmeneti tároló - IDE ne írjatok légyszi! (1)

hu MacikaG >> piektdiena maijs 23 - 07:11, Labots trešdiena aprīlis 11 - 11:28

Hi Vinnie!
Is it possible to let (only) me verify hungarian user's account verification requests? I can ask them in our native language about the circumstances (friends, classmates, neighbours...) //In Hungary most of the IP-s are dinamic, so it is possible that diffrent people get the same IP within a few minutes.//

Sundi74 always log in from mobile phone using Opera Mini browser, signori always use home computer, his Internet provider is DIGI (Romanian ISP, who support users in Hungary also)
I know both IP-s, because I used to connect with my mobile phone with Opera Mini, and my wife's home computer has also DIGI Internet.


hu MacikaG
Kopienas administrators
hu ⚽Ferencváros⚽