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Season 35 (4)

ie Owen The Fish >> ceturtdiena decembris 7 - 12:18

What are everyones expectations for Season 35?

This could be my last year in Ireland as I feel it impossible to challenge for the League as the top 2 maybe 3 teams will continute to dominate.

I was delighted to finish in top 6 for season 34 so my aim will be to beat that and if by a miracle I make the European spots I may stay on.

ie Owen The Fish
it T4nJeep >> trešdiena decembris 27 - 14:10

I would be sorry to see you leaving. It's a hard life here but it's fun. 

hold on!

it T4nJeep
ie Owen The Fish >> ceturtdiena janvāris 11 - 09:59

Cheers dude. I seem to be on course to beat my position last season but it will be tight. I may stay on, even if its just to keep the Cork derby going :-)

ie Owen The Fish
it T4nJeep >> pirmdiena janvāris 15 - 12:17

Hey mate, don't leave us. Cork wouldn't be the same without you. ;)

it T4nJeep