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season 31 (6)

cn gangba >> ceturtdiena maijs 18 - 02:45
good beginning, first day we got 1W1d in European League Q1
cn gangba
ie Owen The Fish >> ceturtdiena maijs 18 - 13:38, Labots piektdiena maijs 19 - 09:01
I'm predicting relegation for me but I'm OK with that as I can head back down to League 2 and pick up some nice cash next season to continue building up my facilities :-)
ie Owen The Fish
ie Leprechaun >> otrdiena maijs 23 - 15:34
I think that you'll gain more staying in L1...
ie Leprechaun
ie Owen The Fish >> trešdiena maijs 24 - 09:27, Labots trešdiena maijs 24 - 09:27
Not really. 8th place earned only 3.4 + million last season in League 1, where as I won the league and earned 12 + million. My sponsorship remained the same and my attendance figures remained pretty much the same.

Id be happy with 3 or 4 more seasons of yo yo-ing until my facilities are finished, my young players have progressed exceptionally and I have enough cash to buy much better players.

I'm building for the long term and to hopefully make a proper assault on the league.
ie Owen The Fish
ie Leprechaun >> ceturtdiena maijs 25 - 11:52
Ok, but during the season you get more cash with stadium in 1 league than in 2...
ie Leprechaun
ie Owen The Fish >> trešdiena jūnijs 28 - 18:51
Looks like new winner of the league. Happy days. Well done Fencer.

Unfortunately i didnt get relegated so another season of mediocre prize money next season.
ie Owen The Fish