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Season 29 (4)

it T4nJeep >> trešdiena marts 8 - 10:17
Hi all
It seems that the struggle for the 3rd place is the only interesting thing in this season. Everything else seems already set.
I believe you all show buy drinks for Leprechaun and me for keeping you all awake ;)
it T4nJeep
ie Leprechaun >> ceturtdiena marts 9 - 11:09
Yes, very funny! Also Gazzamazza is very close to the podium.
Hope one day will be a similar fight for the first place, but I think it will get almost 6-7 seasons
ie Leprechaun
cn gangba >> ceturtdiena marts 9 - 13:37
keep fighting,guys. we can win more matches of euro league in next seasons.
cn gangba
it T4nJeep >> piektdiena marts 10 - 14:26
We fight but I can't see how are we going to get you ;)
you won't wait for us, will you?
it T4nJeep