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National Side (43)

cn 骚唐 >> otrdiena jūlijs 8 - 15:41
yes, WC comes again. we have great chances to win some matches.lets see...
cn 骚唐
eng Gary H. >> svētdiena jūlijs 13 - 20:00
How the hell did we lose 1-0 to Monty?
(can't spell without looking)
eng Gary H.
Zaļš gurķis
ie Dave >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 17 - 21:59
As they scored more goals :P

They also have a better starting 11!
ie Dave
Zaļš gurķis
eng Gary H. >> piektdiena jūlijs 18 - 23:38
Har de har har, I see what you did there in the first half of the last post
eng Gary H.
Zaļš gurķis
cn 骚唐 >> sestdiena jūlijs 19 - 15:22
the ranking goes up to NO.31, not bad. :)
cn 骚唐
ie Dave >> svētdiena septembris 7 - 11:15
Unlucky end to the groups..hopefully the playoffs are kind to us!
ie Dave
Zaļš gurķis
cn 骚唐 >> piektdiena septembris 19 - 07:59
come on,we won! we scored the World Cup again,guys
cn 骚唐
ie Dave >> piektdiena septembris 19 - 08:10
Just saw,great stuff..on a roll!
ie Dave
Zaļš gurķis
eng Gary H. >> ceturtdiena septembris 25 - 18:16
it's awkward, england didn't make it, but wales, northen Ireland and Us did.... errr
eng Gary H.
Zaļš gurķis
ie Dave >> pirmdiena septembris 29 - 12:57
haha didn't even see that,best news yet!
ie Dave
Zaļš gurķis
eng Gary H. >> pirmdiena septembris 29 - 21:02
hey, not to me, I happen to be English... (wants to find out who the England manager is and give him an ear-bashing :D)
eng Gary H.
Zaļš gurķis
ie Dave >> sestdiena decembris 20 - 08:49
On we go undefeated,great stuff.
ie Dave
Zaļš gurķis
eng Gary H. >> pirmdiena decembris 22 - 08:51
IsReal an half made it tense.. xD
eng Gary H.
Zaļš gurķis