Līga - Izraēla 65.sezona [2]

Diskusijas: Līgas diskusija rss-feed

Apspried savas līgas aktualitātes. Kurš ir šīs sezonas galvenais favorīts uz uzvaru kopvērtējumā? Kuras komandas pacelsies uz augstāku līgu vai nokritīs zemāk? Kā katram sokas kausa izcīņā?

Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

This season is unexpected, I am getting more victories (4)

cn ing1408 >> piektdiena februāris 24 - 06:55
As you can see guys I was struggling to survive in this league for the last few seasons but suddenly I am fighting to promote in this season, something's paid off! I've got top scorer and assister now. Tell me how you think about this : )
cn ing1408
cn ing1408 >> trešdiena marts 8 - 07:44
no one speak English?
cn ing1408
il AP >> sestdiena marts 11 - 10:17
We do, but this forum isn't active.
il AP
Zaļš gurķis
cn ing1408 >> pirmdiena marts 13 - 03:06
alright, nice to see you posted here anyway man. I guess this season is it, stay in the top half.
cn ing1408