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Season 81 (21)

be Eckhart >> pirmdiena augusts 12 - 23:23

We did it boys! We got our very first continental cup. 

This season we can finally say that the Indian competition is one of the strongest in the game. 4 teams in the group stage is something new for us so congratulations to everyone for the hard work! 

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in Arko >> otrdiena augusts 13 - 06:49

Wow Eckhart, great work. 

First Indian club to win a continental comp. 

in Arko
in Mohun Bagan
in dwapar >> trešdiena augusts 14 - 02:07

Congrates Eckhart ,Indian Clubs finaalyy shows their strength.

One question is there : Is their any importance of Interland matches .We play against Russsia recently.

in dwapar
in FC Baahubali
in Art of Bar :D >> trešdiena augusts 14 - 07:05

Congrats Eckhart 

in Art of Bar :D
in Goal Diggers
be Eckhart >> trešdiena augusts 14 - 07:48

@dwapar: Interlands are friendly matches. Only good for some XP for players. Almost every qualification game also has a interland on the same day. 

If i recall well they also deliver a small amount of points for the ranking of India's NT. Right now we are no. 23 in the world. 

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in viktor >> piektdiena augusts 16 - 16:31, Labots piektdiena augusts 16 - 19:14

Congratulations Eckhart on winning the Asian League!

Interland matches affect rankings and thus help decide who you get paired up in tournaments

in viktor
in Air FC