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League of India season 13 (36)

in Ps >> ceturtdiena oktobris 23 - 06:43
Hpy Diwali frnds.. a new season is just about to start hope all of u get a good run in this season.
in Ps
in viktor >> sestdiena oktobris 25 - 01:32
Hpy Diwali
in viktor
in Air FC
in Arko >> svētdiena novembris 2 - 03:07
wow!!!beat fc champs at their home...great comeback...just like my favourite team Manchester United...
FT=>FC CHAMPS 2[Pushkala(2)]-4[Nageshwara(2),Samdrup,Guo] MOHUN BAGAN...
in Arko
in Mohun Bagan
in Ps >> svētdiena novembris 2 - 19:55
Gd match arko..things are changes quickly .now many teams comes with great effort see Chennai catalans what a great start.
in Ps
in Arko >> trešdiena novembris 5 - 17:52
2 Red Cards & 1 Penalty!!!
Needs "NIA" investigation...
in Arko
in Mohun Bagan
in viktor >> ceturtdiena novembris 13 - 16:31
You know what's worse than having to play dream killers twice in 2 days? Having to play them thrice in 2 days
in viktor
in Air FC
in Dr. Arpit >> ceturtdiena novembris 13 - 17:06
Meanwhile I am just sitting in the middle and am like 'meh'
in Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
in viktor >> ceturtdiena novembris 13 - 17:31, Labots ceturtdiena novembris 13 - 17:32
First round of matches done and dusted
Stuff I found interesting after 12 matches
1/ Teams have scored 51 goals against Bellary. That's a smidgen over 4 goals per game. Awesome!
2/ They have just allowed Bellary to score 10 goals i.e a bit less than 1 goal per game. That's a small improvement over the previous season. But the most important state Bellary has no points and that makes me think teams have improved and that makes me happy.
3/ Special props to the new kid-on-the-block Armada Arsenal. They have managed to defend and keep GA to about 1 per match without loans. Nice job!! And second season team Juki is hanging in there, improving....if Vicky join logs back in, GJ mate!!
4/ difference between #1 and#10 in the standings is 12 points.(12 draws) That makes me super happy why? That tells me teams are slugging it out, no quarter is spared.
5/ happy to see Pune Warriors not give up in the Asian league. Top 2 teams go to the KO rounds so hang in there, research and you never know.
So yeah that's my take on the season so far (to be honest I have not watched matches) so feel free to add to this or correct me.... cheers!!!!
in viktor
in Air FC
in Arko >> ceturtdiena novembris 13 - 18:12
why fc bellary conceding so many goals per game???
because they don't have a GK!!!
in Arko
in Mohun Bagan
in Ps >> ceturtdiena novembris 13 - 18:20
Thrice in 2 days vs Bombay fc. Nd every match between us going very tough,sounds good.
in Ps
in viktor >> piektdiena novembris 14 - 02:14, Labots piektdiena novembris 14 - 02:16
Makes sense arko
I thought fc bellary was a bot team and bots do not sell their keepers.no?
in viktor
in Air FC
in Arko >> piektdiena novembris 14 - 02:39
Yes Viktor,bots don't sell gk...But I did not understand how this happened...
maybe,computer thought that his gk is too old compared to the team's average age & removed him!!!
in Arko
in Mohun Bagan
in Ps >> sestdiena novembris 15 - 14:59
Great Match vs Pune . Now after every match the league standings are gonna change great fight between dream killers , champs nd Chennai Catalans. for reserved a place in Asian champion league.
in Ps
in viktor >> ceturtdiena novembris 20 - 02:40
I think a couple of teams are gonna be really bad next season because of the changes to GE and all.
in viktor
in Air FC
in viktor >> ceturtdiena novembris 20 - 02:46
It's the business end of the national cup. I think Imma gonna watch Champs vs warriors tomorrow at 2 am should be good one. Also it will interesting to see if one of the league 2 teams qualifies for semi finals.
in viktor
in Air FC