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Season 69 (36)

in Dr. Arpit >> pirmdiena oktobris 10 - 10:07

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

in Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
in dwapar >> pirmdiena oktobris 10 - 13:35

Best of luck to all 

in dwapar
in FC Baahubali
be Eckhart >> trešdiena oktobris 12 - 05:27

Good luck everyone! Bedi left the building for 117 mil but Kurian is ready to take over his place. maybe Nala and Gaekwad will leave aswell but youngsters are ready to take over their place.

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in viktor >> piektdiena oktobris 14 - 07:27, Labots piektdiena oktobris 14 - 07:28

And Thundering Pune beat them that we shall not speak of lol 3-0 in AQ1 Good job

Good luck to everyone else

in viktor
in Air FC
be Eckhart >> piektdiena oktobris 14 - 10:34

Nala is also leaving the team. Gaekwad has to stay even though a offer of 100m came.

Ferral is for rent right now, lets see if he can show his potential in another team.

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in Dr. Arpit >> piektdiena oktobris 14 - 17:36

Haha thanks viktor, the funniest thing is that the new Greek Defender in my team used to play for them barely a couple of days ago :P

in Dr. Arpit
in Thundering Pune
be Eckhart >> svētdiena oktobris 16 - 08:48

Finished with the transfers.

Players in for 20 mil in total

Players out for about 340 mil in total. Money money money :p I need it for when my two supertalents are going to their prime in about 10 seasons

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in viktor >> svētdiena oktobris 16 - 11:45, Labots svētdiena oktobris 16 - 11:50

One thing good managers do is put a player in the starting lineup against their former team. If it works out you look like a genius and if it doesn't people talk about how the player could not perform as well under pressure (most recent real life example Rob The Body Lewandowski vs Bayern) lol

in viktor
in Air FC
in viktor >> svētdiena oktobris 16 - 12:04

Great work Eckhart! I guess you are going to have a few real busy transfer seasons to pay for their wages - I think I remember calculating that the average wage for a supertalent over 10 seasons was close to 100 million. Of course this was just me browsing supertalents and doing back-of-the-envelope arithmetic, so it probably is not accurate but just an estimate.

in viktor
in Air FC
be Bartje_vM >> svētdiena oktobris 16 - 13:25

Hello guys,

No great ambitions here to be honest, just finishing above Amritsar and staying in via playoffs. And saving money on the way, selling some smaller talents in the midseason and one after this season.

It' since February I got my first and only super talent, hope to get my second one very soon (28 players since him)

Good luck to all!

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2
in viktor >> svētdiena oktobris 16 - 21:42, Labots svētdiena oktobris 16 - 21:45

I was so happy going into half time of today's India vs Syria match: 2 goals  for us and  2 yellows for them , it looked like points on th board against a strong team especially with our 57% possession and 69%(9/13 on target) shooting. And then a 12 minute period starting the 67th minute had the joy suddenly turn to ashes in my mouth. Aaargh!

in viktor
in Air FC
be Eckhart >> pirmdiena oktobris 17 - 16:41

Yeah, also felt dissapointed after the loss against Syria. hope we have better luck in next game. We defenitly have chances this campaign to break through.

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in viktor >> trešdiena oktobris 19 - 07:01

Can someone please remind keju to login

in viktor
in Air FC
be Eckhart >> trešdiena oktobris 19 - 12:54

4-1 victory over Jordania. So 3/6 as a start. Lets hope it improves

be Eckhart
in FC Ulhasnagar
in Arko >> trešdiena oktobris 19 - 14:55

Good job Eckhart...

in Arko
in Mohun Bagan