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Season 42 (15)

fr Blackwhite >> otrdiena decembris 11 - 08:23

The new season begins today : Good luck to all managers

For the White Unicorns, a new Super Cup won against FC Ice Kroko's : 1/1 and 3/2 with penaltys

==> https://rockingsoccer.com/fr/football/info/match-14932804

fr Blackwhite
Kopienas administrators
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> trešdiena decembris 12 - 13:28

Hi, a little change in the workforce to try to comfirm this fourth place ... I wish you a good season ....

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
nl Upstairsnl >> piektdiena decembris 14 - 20:38

Well done blackwhite.

And I wish both of you lots of succes in Europe!

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
be Frans >> sestdiena decembris 15 - 04:00

to all the managers,a very nice season.

be Frans
is Cheetahs
be Frans >> pirmdiena decembris 24 - 16:47

merry christmas and happy new year for all the managers 

be Frans
is Cheetahs
fr rouquin >> pirmdiena decembris 24 - 19:16

Merci, et que le père noel vous gâte ;)

Thank you, and that Santa Claus spoils you ;)

Þakka þér fyrir, og þessi jólasveinn spilla þig ;)

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> trešdiena decembris 26 - 10:35

Happy new yearmoney-mouthkisscoolsmile

fr Blackwhite
Kopienas administrators
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> pirmdiena decembris 31 - 23:08

Bonne année à tous 

Happy New Year everyone

Gleðilegt nýtt ár fyrir alla

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> piektdiena janvāris 11 - 21:36

Hello Everybody

I had planned to leave Iceland at the end of the season but as the current results will not give me a new title of champion, I leave now to set up a new club.
Iceland is finished, I'm going to England for a new adventure.
Thank you all for these beautiful seasons spent in this championship and good luck to all

fr Blackwhite
Kopienas administrators
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> sestdiena janvāris 12 - 09:17

Yo, Bonne chance pour la suite 

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
is Bobstar >> piektdiena janvāris 18 - 07:02

Bye Blackwhite, sad to see You leaving, but good luck in the new country!

is Bobstar
fr rouquin >> svētdiena janvāris 20 - 18:41

Je vais essayer de t'embêter un peu mais je suis loin d'être au niveau de Blackwhite ... Félicitation pour ta saison 

I will try to bother you a bit but I am far from being at the level of Blackwhite... Congratulations for your season

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
fr Blackwhite >> pirmdiena janvāris 21 - 08:53, Labots pirmdiena janvāris 21 - 08:55

Congratulations to Bobstar for the Icelandic title and Cup wins (seniors and youth) wink

For my part, I restart a team in England division 5. (Les Gothiques : https://rockingsoccer.com/fr/football/info/team-12652)

We win this Division 5 Championship and we reach Division 4.

==> Good luck to all for the new season and for au p'tit bonheur , you can play the title

fr Blackwhite
Kopienas administrators
fr Les Licornes Blanches
is Bobstar >> otrdiena janvāris 22 - 18:50

Thx Blackwhite and yes I also think rouquin i think it is possible for you to serious play for the title.!

is Bobstar
fr rouquin >> otrdiena janvāris 22 - 19:23

Uh you still have a little advance but we will do everything to come tease you lol

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux