Līga - Islande 84.sezona

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Season 50 (25)

fr Blackwhite >> trešdiena marts 11 - 08:38, Labots trešdiena marts 11 - 08:40

- @ Rouquin

Congratulations Man for these two new Titles  : Cup and Championship

Do you have places in your museum ?

You are the King of Iceland winktongue-outkiss...

fr Blackwhite
Kopienas administrators
fr Les Licornes Blanches
fr rouquin >> trešdiena marts 11 - 21:16

Thank you, during your period in Iceland you gave King Kroko's a hard time and stole a title package from him, you leave indelible traces everywhere or you congratulate you...

Merci,  pendant ta période en Islande tu as donné du fil à retordre au roi Kroko's et lui a chipé un paquet de titre,  tu laisse des traces indélébile partout ou tu passes félicitations à toi ...

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
be Frans >> ceturtdiena marts 12 - 13:01

finally a win against your team after two seasons pff :)

congratulations rouquin for your new titles.

be Frans
is Cheetahs
nl Upstairsnl >> ceturtdiena marts 12 - 17:34

Frans, you will become the newly champion within one of coming seasons.

Is Rouquin still thinking about stopping play with his Iceland-team, or will you defend your newly won dubble titles?

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
be Frans >> piektdiena marts 13 - 06:20

maybe,there are other teams like:The Kroko's and Cold Fresh Folks

But we working on the future.

be Frans
is Cheetahs
fr rouquin >> sestdiena marts 14 - 11:46

Yo, thank you, finally I find a title after a dark season, I think like  Upstairsnl  that you will soon be Frans champion but as you say so there are other competitors for the title as well as Upstairsnl.

Yes Upstairsnl, I will stay to defend my titles.... ;)

Yo, merci, enfin je retrouve un titre après une saison noire, je pense comme Upstairsnl que tu seras bientôt champion Frans mais comme tu dis si bien il y a d'autres concurents pour le titre ainsi que Upstairsnl.

Oui Upstairsnl, je vais rester pour défendre mes titres.... ;)

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
is Bobstar >> pirmdiena marts 16 - 10:58


is Bobstar
fr rouquin >> trešdiena marts 18 - 13:37


Wow!!! Cute baby

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux
nl Upstairsnl >> trešdiena marts 18 - 15:18

In 10 days I will be able to upgrade my stadion to 120.000 (which will take 90-100 days), but an important step for future grow.

nl Upstairsnl
tv TUV-Upstairs
fr rouquin >> trešdiena marts 18 - 23:33

cool, happy for you, money money 

fr rouquin
fr Union Bègles Bordeaux