Līga - Kosova 56.sezona

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Season 32 (69)

nl Conjoost >> svētdiena jūlijs 30 - 09:36

Wonder how much big teams selected kosovo for level 10 touths.

nl Conjoost
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> svētdiena jūlijs 30 - 10:27

That I saw, Newcastle United (Premier) and Invincible Delft (Erevidise) selected Kosovo for youth center.

hk RayquazaXD
pal Giovanni >> svētdiena jūlijs 30 - 21:03

Hello from 4.ligue ;)

My team is ready to come one season to first division and win ligue whit my best NT player Stavros ;)

pal Giovanni
hk RayquazaXD >> svētdiena jūlijs 30 - 21:09

First, ascends to first division. After this, you can fight for big things ;).

hk RayquazaXD
pal Giovanni >> svētdiena jūlijs 30 - 21:23

@Rayquaza I will come thats sure. Just to need to find good players for my club.

I also hope,that some of this managers stay in Kosovo,to not lose somebody. 

pal Giovanni
in Keju >> otrdiena augusts 1 - 10:47

Hopefully our NT does well let's keep that as goal too

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
hk RayquazaXD >> otrdiena augusts 1 - 13:40, Labots otrdiena augusts 1 - 13:40

@Keju27 yeah! Please in your youth centers generate kosovars players! :)

Today I won 1-3 against FC Kosovo Polje and I'm second in the league at the moment. And Gotham City defeat with an 13-0 to the Club Los Suva Reka, the better trhashing of the history of Kosovo.

hk RayquazaXD
ro Adrian >> trešdiena augusts 2 - 08:46

 @Rayquaza, actually is not the biggest score in the history, as yesterday Trepca Mitrovice from my league defeated a botteam with 13-0 as well. I'm wonering what great scores wil be here in Kosovo as long as it's only the 4rd round.

ro Adrian
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> trešdiena augusts 2 - 09:34

@Ady, wow, incredible! I don't like very much that big scores, I think that would unbalance the League a lot. Recently there are a lot of 5-0, 6-1... I hope that this losers teams buy well.

hk RayquazaXD
ro Adrian >> trešdiena augusts 2 - 13:32

After a while, the active clubs will be in same league without any botteam, that means we won't see these huge scores anymore. But now it's normally cuz it's just the first season.

ro Adrian
Zaļš gurķis
in Keju >> piektdiena augusts 4 - 07:05, Labots piektdiena augusts 4 - 07:06

Yes I agree Ady I lost because of my bad luck in the market. But hopefully by next season teams will settle and it will be very interesting 

hopefully I don't get relegated

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
nl Conjoost >> svētdiena augusts 6 - 15:53

Tha fuck, won 15 - 0

nl Conjoost
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> pirmdiena augusts 7 - 09:03

Wow, incredible Conjoost! Congratulations!

hk RayquazaXD
zm Mwanwa >> pirmdiena augusts 7 - 22:15

It begins to have three teams which escape in championship, it's going to be fascinating till the end laughing

zm Mwanwa
Zaļš gurķis