Līga - Kosova 56.sezona

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Season 32 (69)

hk RayquazaXD >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 10:32

Hello everyone! :)

hk RayquazaXD
in Keju >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 11:05

Hello. Hopefully  I get promoted I couldn't state in league 1

in Keju
in Bengaluru FC
hk RayquazaXD >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 11:16, Labots trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 11:18

I'll see you in League 1 next season! (If I don't come down xD).

That's good, we have the League 1 full and the League 2 only there are 3 bots, we have the League 3.

hk RayquazaXD
tr Since 1453 >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 12:44
Hello everyone succeeds
tr Since 1453
Zaļš gurķis
ro Adrian >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 17:54
Unfortunately I was a bit later than you guys and I am in third league now. But at least there we'll be great competition next seasons. Good luck to everybody.
ro Adrian
Zaļš gurķis
ar Juan Pablo Gatti >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 18:38

Hello everybody! Nice league!

ar Juan Pablo Gatti
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> trešdiena jūlijs 26 - 18:51

Good luck to @Ady and @Juan Pablo Gatti to ascend as soon as possible to the League 1! I will see you in the future ;).

hk RayquazaXD
nl Conjoost >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 27 - 08:11

In 5 seasons a team from Kosovo wins the champions league?:p

nl Conjoost
Zaļš gurķis
ro Adrian >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 27 - 10:03

@Conjoost Why not? I'm pretty sure in a few sesons these new championships will do great things.

ro Adrian
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 27 - 17:07

@Ady, @Conjoost, I think that in 5 seasons is so difficult, but why not? All is possible. In 5 seasons the main objective for our country is that a team goes to the Group Stage of Europa League or Champions.

hk RayquazaXD
nl Conjoost >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 27 - 17:49

That is a good goal

nl Conjoost
Zaļš gurķis
ro Adrian >> ceturtdiena jūlijs 27 - 21:09, Labots piektdiena jūlijs 28 - 13:29

I was not that seriously when i agreed that we will win champions league though =)) But after a few more seasons... everything is possible

ro Adrian
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> sestdiena jūlijs 29 - 09:15, Labots sestdiena jūlijs 29 - 09:27

Today I see that we have a national team. Only two teams of the League 1 give players for the national team:

-Red Star of Priština

-KF Niševce、

The other players of the national team are players of the League 2/3 or play in stranger clubs.

PD: The best player of our national team plays in a Kosovo team of the League 4.

hk RayquazaXD
ro Adrian >> sestdiena jūlijs 29 - 19:44

 Am I the only one who cannot find this national team ?

ro Adrian
Zaļš gurķis
hk RayquazaXD >> sestdiena jūlijs 29 - 19:56

Ady, at the moment, only you can see it searching some players that are convocated with the national team.


This is the link of our national team.

hk RayquazaXD