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Season 21 (13)

pl RENEgat >> sestdiena decembris 12 - 14:48
Hi everyone! We begin the new season. Finally, 1 Lige fill the players themselves, 0 bots, so competition should be even more fierce than usual. Up to 1 league joined the team TM Mawer. It is very strong, but there is a good goalkeeper. Feel free to discuss seasonal!
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> trešdiena decembris 23 - 12:25
For me, the beginning of the weak. Two victories and three defeats. Well, League 1 rather not for me this season. But I see that not only I had a poor start. 飞 哥 it occupies the last place in the league and for the time being no points. But I see that my suspicions as to the Tendai Cristiano Mawer come true. Who knows, maybe compete for 3rd place?
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> ceturtdiena decembris 24 - 08:14
Merry Christmas everyone!
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl Katian >> ceturtdiena decembris 24 - 10:45
Merry Christmas everyone!
pl Katian
pl Biały Legion
pl ceniu >> ceturtdiena decembris 24 - 17:31
Merry Christmas everyone!
pl ceniu
pl Arsenal KFC
de Julezz >> piektdiena decembris 25 - 11:54
Merry Christmas guys!
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl ceniu >> sestdiena decembris 26 - 11:32
yet started the season well, how can I maintain this position it will be fine.
pl ceniu
pl Arsenal KFC
pl RENEgat >> sestdiena janvāris 2 - 14:48
How do you assess my current team? What place in league 1 you took me by playing this team? In what position should invest (outside goal, because it would know)?
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl Katian >> sestdiena janvāris 2 - 16:55
With this team you would fight for 9-th place. You need better players for every position but especially: gk, forwards and midfielders). Defence is not too bad for now.
pl Katian
pl Biały Legion
de Julezz >> sestdiena janvāris 2 - 22:02
yeah like Katian said: you need a goalie with over 5 stars in blocking and two forwards with over 5 stars in scoring.
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> otrdiena janvāris 5 - 15:11
Yeah. I won today 8-1. It's my new record. Best of all, it does not set formation for this match xD
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> svētdiena janvāris 17 - 16:09
Another high victory. This time 9-2 of Fortuna Team.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> trešdiena janvāris 27 - 11:02
Another season finished. The winner, of course, FC Downtown. Second place for the Biały Legion. 3 unexpectedly Restgeldtief. At the outlet of the league is Kisújszállás SE and FC Mauren will compete in the play-off for maintenance.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis