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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

Season 15 (11)

pl RENEgat >> trešdiena februāris 4 - 15:13
You definitely know what we write in this forum. But if not, let me remind you that this is a discussion forum for the league 1 in Liechtenstein.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
de Julezz >> ceturtdiena februāris 5 - 08:36
i'm really excited for this season. first time ever, that the whole league is full of users!
Szumi pulled a monster trade and is swimming in money right now, love it!
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> ceturtdiena februāris 5 - 15:26
I, too, I'm going to invest in juniors. Especially I saved the money to be able to improve the academy. I will start the construction tomorrow.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
de Julezz >> ceturtdiena februāris 5 - 18:51
great! dont forget to up your TC, young great talents are fine, but if you cant train them good because of a low TC you are not getting that much out of them.

look at was Szumi did in league 2 last season, now he has a young team, ready to rock soon.
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> sestdiena februāris 7 - 08:33
What do you think of the new buildings?
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
de Julezz >> pirmdiena februāris 9 - 13:12
i think the new buildings are great. museum is just for show, but the office is a great invention.
anyways...i am going to build my fanshop to lvl7 and after that yc10 before even considering one of those two buildings.

how about the others? Szumi, what are you going to do with your money? :D
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> ceturtdiena februāris 19 - 19:32
Carsten Vogtmann probably does not play in this game.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> piektdiena marts 13 - 14:22, Labots sestdiena marts 14 - 12:31
Congratulations Julezz get 1 million popularity.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
de Julezz >> piektdiena marts 13 - 16:55
Thanks! Great Milestone, always dreamed about that :)
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl ceniu >> ceturtdiena marts 19 - 08:00
second season in the premier league for me successful. but for now is with you too have no chance
pl ceniu
pl Arsenal KFC
pl RENEgat >> piektdiena marts 20 - 14:49
It looks like I will be back in the league earn 2 more here.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis