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Season 18 (22)

pl RENEgat >> ceturtdiena augusts 6 - 14:35
I see that 2 league is developing. There is already a few active managers and anyone else can come with 3 league.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl Katian >> sestdiena augusts 15 - 09:53
Incredible fight on the top. FV Vaduz should be 3rd, 4th SC NiceSport, Trisenberg is so close to take 5th position but Kicsana will not give it easy. Kisujszallas, Offenburg and Gaziarze are going to fight for staying in 1 league.
pl Katian
pl Biały Legion
pl RENEgat >> piektdiena augusts 21 - 16:25
ow something, I sell these players:
and maybe:

if you sell a Youngbloods, please write to me
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis
pl Katian >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 16:50
We all know who was better this season but congratulations for Julezz for lucky finish.
pl Katian
pl Biały Legion
pl ceniu >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 17:06
Season successful 5th place as assumed
pl ceniu
pl Arsenal KFC
de Julezz >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 18:25
I guess lucky is the wrong word but thanks. I dont care about my ranking as long as i am able to play international.
de Julezz
Zaļš gurķis
pl RENEgat >> svētdiena augusts 23 - 19:52
End. As always Downtown and the Legion for the first 2 places. 3 and 4 Vaduz and NiceSport, which is no surprise. Triesenberg surprised me a little. I thought that his place will be taken Vaduz # 6, especially after a poor start. The rest of the table does not surprise me. I bid farewell to one league for a few seasons. I'm going to follow in the footsteps Szumi and begin investing in the young. In two league certainly will not be easy. We've got almost complete set of managers, but I know that my players did not disappoint.
pl RENEgat
Zaļš gurķis