Līga - Luksemburga 45.sezona

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Season 58: who stays here in the long run? (1)

be Bartje_vM >> pirmdiena aprīlis 5 - 10:31

Hello guys, ladies (?)

I have been around quite some time and it seems that I will hang in here. My only goal was to avoid relegation again and I am confident I almost achieved that objective already.

But I wanted to post something here because it is so quiet around here. I also must say that not a lot of managers stay around very long. That is one of the reasons I see a steady future for my club in the long run, but the bad thing is that I'm afraid the top clubs get to confident and the quality of this league overall will decrease...

So, tell me, how are you hanging in there?

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2