Līga - Luksemburga 58.sezona [2]

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

Season 56: expectations, hopes, realisations, transfer, questions... (1)

be Bartje_vM >> otrdiena decembris 1 - 12:21

Hello guys,

I have opened a topic about the 2nd division where I will keep you updated on the latest news in the league.

What are your hopes and expectations for this season? What are your goals?

For me: I am happy to be here (once again) because the gap between 1st and 2nd is not easy. Gaining promotion from 2nd to 1st is a realistic goal, but to stay there on long term is not easy. Facilities are the way to go in this game, but they are expensive. So for me I will probably try to stay in 2nd league, but end high enough for some prize money.

be Bartje_vM
in FC Farīdābād #2