Līga - Melnkalne 27.sezona

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Season 29 (5)

pl Mario >> ceturtdiena janvāris 26 - 17:38
New season - new discussion!
pl Mario
pl MKS Wataha Poznań
rs Zmajov >> sestdiena janvāris 28 - 18:43
I think Rudar will deffend title.He have strong squad ,best in league.Maybe if Mladost make some good transfer's will make league contest more interesting.Zmajevi and Portugas will fight for position 3 while I expect bot teams to be in relegation play off fight. For me I hope I can take that 5th position, coz I am remaking mine team with players who played previous season's in mine u21 team.They are quite good but good for Europa league strugle .Good luck to all in next season :)
rs Zmajov
it DonquijoteDoflamingo >> pirmdiena janvāris 30 - 11:53
The goal this season is to win back the championship.
In the Champions League it is almost impossible to pass the first round.
GL to all.

P.S I saw that there is a new user in the league. Welcome!
it DonquijoteDoflamingo
me Nikica >> trešdiena februāris 1 - 18:57
My team FK Berane 1992 will be much better in this season because I spent about 15m € and I will spent more for very good players so I think, this season will be much interesing. Good luck to all!!!
me Nikica
Zaļš gurķis
it DonquijoteDoflamingo >> otrdiena februāris 7 - 12:26
WOW, 3 new player in this season!
it DonquijoteDoflamingo