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[Season 26] Montenegro (7)

it DonquijoteDoflamingo >> trešdiena septembris 28 - 21:02
Hi guys, why don't we use this topic to discuss the ongoing Championship?

I want to say that this is the most difficult season for me since I'm in Montenegro.
Well done "Mladost Podgorica " and "Meet Your Makers. It will be difficult to confirm the title.
it DonquijoteDoflamingo
me Nikica >> ceturtdiena septembris 29 - 08:39
Yes, I agree with you. In this season we have three very good team and it's very difficult to predict who will be winner.
Next season, in first league will be team La Maggica, very good team, and will be more difficult to win the league.
me Nikica
Zaļš gurķis
it DonquijoteDoflamingo >> ceturtdiena septembris 29 - 08:57
Our goal must be to make this League more competitive as possible and we need also to improve the UEFA Ranking to geet more places in European competitions.
it DonquijoteDoflamingo
me Nikica >> ceturtdiena septembris 29 - 14:26
Yes but our teams in first league must be much better if we want just one place in Europa competitions, so I think we must hard work to improve our teams and of course our league.
P.S. Monte Negro is last with uefa points, we must improve that, and managers are from Italy, Bosnia, China, Croatia, Serbia... I don't know any manager from Monte Negro.
me Nikica
Zaļš gurķis
it DonquijoteDoflamingo >> ceturtdiena septembris 29 - 23:17
yes, it will be very hard.

Today only 1 point for Rudar Pljevlja...bad bad bad...i won't win this season. :(
it DonquijoteDoflamingo
me Nikica >> piektdiena septembris 30 - 19:26
Maybe, but I am sure in one: This season will be most interesing and everything is possible. Don't surrender. :)
me Nikica
Zaļš gurķis
it DonquijoteDoflamingo >> svētdiena oktobris 2 - 18:36
I will fight 'til the end.
it DonquijoteDoflamingo