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Gods of war financial statements (4)

cn China湖南省女书文化推广大使 >> trešdiena februāris 8 - 13:06
29 quarter financial statements

Money at the start of the season RSD 110 404 959 Surplus / deficit RSD 278 639 485 Current funds 389 044 444

Total assets income (RSD 477 264 940) Total assets expenditure ( RSD 198 625 455)

28 quarter financial statements

Money at the start of the season RSD 130 770 332 Surplus / deficit -RSD 20 365 373 Current funds 110 404 959
Total assets income (RSD 512 518 451) Total assets expenditure ( RSD 532 883 824)

27 quarter financial statements

Money at the start of the season RSD 41 087 173 Surplus / deficit RSD 89 683 159 Current funds 130 770 332

Total assets income (RSD 517 443 521) Total assets expenditure ( RSD 427 760 362)

26 quarter financial statements

Money at the start of the season RSD 61 116 504 Surplus / deficit -RSD 20 029 331 Current funds 41 087 173

Total assets income (RSD 304 022 302) Total assets expenditure ( RSD 324 051 632)

25 quarter financial statements

Money at the start of the season RSD 11 846 386 Surplus / deficit RSD 49 270 118 Current funds 61 116 504

Total assets income (RSD 338 699 129) Total assets expenditure ( RSD 289 429 011)
cn China湖南省女书文化推广大使
mx Aldogs >> trešdiena februāris 8 - 20:53
Y uno acá con 10 millones jaja

Good one my friend, you're rich. Can you lend me some? :P
mx Aldogs
cn China湖南省女书文化推广大使 >> ceturtdiena februāris 9 - 04:09
If you run your team. You will be beyond me.

If you don't know how to sell players, you can ask me
cn China湖南省女书文化推广大使
mx Aldogs >> ceturtdiena februāris 9 - 23:13
I will keep going by trial and error. but thanks for the offer :)
mx Aldogs