Līga - Malaizija 11.sezona [4.4]

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Apspried savas līgas aktualitātes. Kurš ir šīs sezonas galvenais favorīts uz uzvaru kopvērtējumā? Kuras komandas pacelsies uz augstāku līgu vai nokritīs zemāk? Kā katram sokas kausa izcīņā?

Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

Quote from National Team (1)

my Jonny >> piektdiena oktobris 11 - 09:46
The national team losing 2 good player today:
Tim Leong [http://rockingsoccer.com/zh/soccer/info/player-155719]
Anwar Katz [http://rockingsoccer.com/zh/soccer/info/player-276305]

because these player are created by human, when the owner gone inactive, then it will remove from the league team...
my Jonny