Līga - Malaizija 36.sezona [2]

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Quote from National Team (2)

my Jonny >> piektdiena septembris 27 - 06:26
Next match will fight with Japan, Oct 7th, 01:32

It is strong rival, and I foresee that our national team got a high chance to lose, do you guys have any opinion? I am thinking to concentrate on defense, what do you guys say?

Note to all, please use up your experience point for those who ever have a national player... thanks...
my Jonny
my Jonny >> piektdiena oktobris 11 - 08:26
The national team losing 2 good player today:
Tim Leong [http://rockingsoccer.com/zh/soccer/info/player-155719]
Anwar Katz [http://rockingsoccer.com/zh/soccer/info/player-276305]

because these player are created by human, when the owner gone inactive, then it will remove from the league team...
my Jonny