Līga - Nigērija 21.sezona

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

season 28 (158)

am not gonna drop points against you 2x in a role never..
ng Sonic >> sestdiena janvāris 7 - 18:53
We'll see...as long as i can counter ur tactics
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
ng Sonic >> svētdiena janvāris 8 - 11:07
Wow! naijaboys dancing in money with his supertalent sales over 200mil... i tried selling my 5.10 ST talent last season but no Bids, i'll try again next season alongside my 5.65 ST
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
lol was expecting more money for him but i listed him very late...
Real SuNing sold his for 420m, just because he was younger, anyway i just need a couple millions to start building my level 10 stadium,...
As for kenge 6.35 talent, i will have money to improve my squad next summer..
ng london1 >> pirmdiena janvāris 9 - 06:52
Nottingham forest NPL are Noffin, wipe them 4-0 to leapfrog Donfaith fc and move closer to sonicstars
ng london1
hehe Donfaith has buy his way out off relegation, hoffi in danger as london hit pick his shoe up lol.
look @ them with nigerian flag close to their name, that will not change our mind grrrrrrrr
congrat @sonic and Donfaith do you know why?.
I just check the league stats, what else?, don't think much, i just found you guyz only on Yellow card list, where else?. lol
ng Sonic >> pirmdiena janvāris 9 - 09:20
That cuz i keep playing pressing against these bullies...and where do u expect to find us before?
ng Sonic
ng Sonicstar fc
lol how abt me, nowhere to be found lol..
so surprise to see oduduwa fc today, he has being bearing different name since 2yrs lol.
ng Timilee >> otrdiena janvāris 10 - 04:31
Hello everyone. Nice to be back. Been away for 2 seasons and glad seeing some familiar faces here.
ng Timilee
ng tonero >> otrdiena janvāris 10 - 07:35
Welcome dude@oduduwa.
ng tonero
Zaļš gurķis
hoffin leapflog Donfaith oo
hoffin leapflog Donfaith oo