Līga - Nigērija 34.sezona

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Who was ur most important player of last season (4)

ng ELCHIDI >> ceturtdiena augusts 22 - 07:16

Mine was abitol, but I sold him this market cause I want to upgrade my youth academy to 10

ng Xxx*jinx
Ebedli was my standout forward last season but I still appreciate the work of Gk silva, one of my home grown and first valueable Gk from my academy.
though my scout are in search for his potential replacement in my YA
ng ELCHIDI >> otrdiena augusts 27 - 13:03

Wow don-x, I applause you... U getting better in the league, I hope u wins the league this, season

ng Xxx*jinx
is a long way bro hopefully I will win the league soon.