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Season 53 (1)

hu David >> trešdiena jūlijs 1 - 06:35

Hi all, are you interested to write a bit here about league, games, NT, etc.?
I started Linfield two seasons ago, actually don´t wanted to have VIP account anymore, but than it started the coronavirus pandemic, I couldn´t play tennis, and tried to find some fun in the hard times.
Try to develope my team quickly, with the second place from last season is a very good result in my eyes, and I was also satisfied with the Cup final.
In Europa League I start in the second round, there no easy teams for us.
There are no voting at the NT elections, I was only candidated the position.
The opponents are really hard, Finland, Iceland, Turkey and Serbia - every point would be a surprise. I will look at the squad and I will focus on the young players.
Would be nice to hear about you guys.
Would be 

hu David
hu FK Sopron