Līga - Ziemeļīrija 68.sezona [2]

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Apspried savas līgas aktualitātes. Kurš ir šīs sezonas galvenais favorīts uz uzvaru kopvērtējumā? Kuras komandas pacelsies uz augstāku līgu vai nokritīs zemāk? Kā katram sokas kausa izcīņā?

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Future plans (3)

kp 金太阳 >> sestdiena aprīlis 23 - 04:11

I will buy a goalkeeper and actively help the players, and then prepare for next season's promotion

kp 金太阳
ad Andorra football club
sco Gouryella >> sestdiena aprīlis 23 - 12:18

I think your whole team needs a change of blood.At present, your team may not be able to enter the top league.I hope you can resist the two teams demoted from the top league next season.

sco Gouryella
cz FC Bohemians 1905
lv Maikl >> pirmdiena maijs 2 - 10:21

Of course GK is important part in team building. If u get young keeper, he will play long time in ur team

lv Maikl
nir FC Latgale