Līga - Norvēģija 38.sezona

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Atgriezties diskusiju sākumlapā

League of Norway (3)

no Shar >> otrdiena aprīlis 23 - 22:29
Hello people!
Anyone alive in this league?
no Shar
Zaļš gurķis
no MortenE >> otrdiena jūnijs 4 - 21:04
Alive in the divison below you! :P
no MortenE
Zaļš gurķis
no Barney >> pirmdiena jūlijs 1 - 15:51
I will be selling some of my older players after this season, some of you who are in the lower lvls or in the bottom of Tippeligaen should consider buying some of them.

Møring, Tegestam and Solskjær are three of those that i might sell.

Feel free to look, and bid (when the times comes).
no Barney
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