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it's a foutage of gole championship (6)

fr aja6613 >> ceturtdiena februāris 22 - 19:50

it's a foutage of gole championship

fr aja6613
Zaļš gurķis
fr aja6613 >> trešdiena februāris 28 - 09:51

my team still ridiculous I let the game itself make the team until the end of the season it will not change much being already acquired that I win none of my matches against ranked teams in front of mine. Otherwise, the game is nice.

fr aja6613
Zaļš gurķis
fr aja6613 >> otrdiena marts 27 - 18:52

siempre es lo mismo

fr aja6613
Zaļš gurķis
fr aja6613 >> sestdiena aprīlis 7 - 07:04

ridiculous his continues like lulu.........................cool

fr aja6613
Zaļš gurķis
fr aja6613 >> trešdiena aprīlis 11 - 09:58

disappointed with the game I put all my players on sale and I let the assistant do the compo. and considering the results it does not change much thing I have no pleasure to level (the matches) time that developed the infrastructures make the difference otherwise like many I will have quickly dropped

fr aja6613
Zaļš gurķis
fr aja6613 >> piektdiena maijs 4 - 08:18

it's the same result that I made the composition of my team or not

fr aja6613
Zaļš gurķis