Līga - Palestīna 32.sezona

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Season 42 - Congratulations Reiqnz! (3)

nl Counter_Culture >> pirmdiena janvāris 21 - 16:30

Congratulations to Reiqnz / Cult Of Personality for winning the league title, really nice job!

My team couldn't pull it off this time... Hope to be back next season! :-)

nl Counter_Culture
Zaļš gurķis
ng Reiqnz >> otrdiena janvāris 22 - 11:12

Much thanks...  We are really looking forward to flag up the Palestine  teams @ the continental  competition  next season . Once again much thanks  to all the  league  managers for their endless effort to stay with the league

ng Reiqnz
it AS Latina
nl Counter_Culture >> trešdiena janvāris 23 - 16:10

Agree! Let's all try to find more managers willing to join our league! :-)

nl Counter_Culture
Zaļš gurķis